Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chromogenic Film Test 2 XP2 Super

  Chromogenic film is B-W film that has a color negative film base with out the color couplers. 

  photos - Zorian 

I love shooting film.  Chromogenic film (color negative B-W film) is a pleasure to work with.  
It is developed in C-41 color negative chemistry on a machine.  The film chemistry and 
development time is very consistent.   Once, you get your film exposure calculated to match 
the machine development,  it is extremely easy to be consistent in the final results.  
There are 2 different kinds of Chromogenic Film, that are still available, Kodak 400CN Pro 
and Ilford XP2 Super.  This was Ilford XP2 Super developed in Kodak C-41 chemistry 
and color scanned.  
I find this combination, creates a wonderful tonal range.  What I love about this process, 
is being able to tone the film. 
I toned this film in Lightroom and in Photoshop,  using many different techniques.   
When printing in the darkroom I used to Selenium tone  and Sepia tone a lot of my prints.  
The tonal range in the finished print, was so beautiful using Ilford film.    
Now, I love using the same  toning ranges in Lightroom and Photoshop.  
Have you ever tried using either of these films?  What are your thoughts?