Aria, learned to fish about a year ago. She had never fished before and had always found
it quite intriguing. The idea of catching your own food, ruff and tough survival stuff. So
when we moved to the sea learning to fish was at the top of her to do list.
She spent countless hours a day at the local fishing spot, with the real deal crusty fishermen.
At first she was “that girl” actually she was the only girl. She was in the way and couldn’t bait
her own hook or tie her own knots. Day after day, rain or shine she was there with her
trusty pole in hand. She became an eye bandit. Carefully watching these expert fishermen,
with each cast, each bait of the hook, each knot. She soon grew on those crusty fisherman,
learning, at their feet, like a grandson would, the secrets of these seasoned sportsmen.

This is a shot of her catch, a “Bonita”, (Bonita means beautiful in Spanish) on the day before Thanksgiving. A front had just come threw and the fish were biting! The Bonita were running and all the serious fishermen were out hoping to land one. Getting a bite was the easy part, landing a fish, that is where the skill comes in. Bonita are like bull dogs, they are a medium sized predatory fish related to the mackerel and tuna family. They are ferocious fish who hunt in packs and like to eat and run. When they hit and run, if your hook is in their mouth, the line screams off the reel and you had better hold tight! This particular Bonita ran her up and down the fishing Pier! She wrestled patiently with him for 20 minutes, a vigorous game of tug a war! She was one of three people who actually landed a Bonita that day finally earning her “Serious Fisherperson” merit badge.
fisherperson & model - Aria photos - Zorian
On Thanksgiving day she was back for more! Out in the rain she landed this beauty. One of our fishing buddies Tao, who is an amazing fisherman and sushi chef offered to show us how to sushi fillet her catch. He explained how Bonita is a staple like tuna in the Orient. For Thanksgiving dinner Aria made Sushi, all we could eat fresh from the sea caught with her own two hands sushi!! and it was amazingly delicious :)
Check out Aria's Blog, Here.
Pic 1-2 Thrifted khakis and hat. Vintage linen oxford and belt. Hanes boys tee and
polarizing sunnies, Walmart. Sperry Topsiders. Bonita, Gulf of Mexico.
Pic 3 Thrifted khakis and hat. Thrifted, Banana Republic sweater. Sperry Topsiders.
Reel & Pole by Penn. Bontia, Gulf of Mexico.